Food Historian BLOG

Chefs on the Loose!

I had the best time the other night at Chefs on the Loose - 3401 Bay to Bay Blvd in Tampa FL 33629.

check out for some f-u-n, f-u-n fun!

We made turkey scollapini, roasted potatoes (pre micro'ed for 6 min), and strawberries w/ balsamic glaze!

Gather with your friends and business associates here for a deliciously wonderful time!



Red Velvet Cake - Foodhistorian's Inaugural Mission

Shortly after opened the electronic doors in 2008, we were asked for help determining the origins and ingredients for an authentic red velvet cake. Our findings were to be used to settle a brother-in-law / sister-in-law debate.

Here is our report with the red velvet cake basics, suggestions for exploring red velvet cake in more detail yourself, and links to various red velvet cake recipes we found. Our recommendation is to follow one or more of these recipes, enjoy the cake(s) with friends and family, and hope that settling all family debates is this simple and this delicious! Donielle - I hope this arrives in time to be helpful!

Red Velvet Cake

Red velvet cake is making a modern day comeback. It is without a doubt a beautiful, stand-out, almost exotic-looking dessert due to it's unusual red color.

According to our online and printed cookbook-based research:

So NOW what?

Thanksgiving is behind us now and what to do with all that's left? Here in our home, once we've had our fill of turkey sandwiches with Hellmann's REAL mayonnaise (of course!) on fresh, squishy white bread, we make turkey stock and then it's promptly on to turkey pot pie and squash soup for us.

Because we're basically all incredibly tired of turkey at this point, making a giant pot of soup now seems pointless so we reserve enough stock for the squash soup (about 5 cups) and the turkey pot pie (about 2 cups) and we simply freeze the remaining stock for some wonderful Winter soup cookery.

Here's how we do it.

What is Food Blog Search?

Food blogs are a wonderful source of recipes, stories, and opinions about food. These blogs are the labors of love of countless people from around the world who are so passionate about what they cook and eat they spend hours photographing and writing about it. Food bloggers usually give much more information and personal touches to what they write about than commercial cooking or recipe sites. Search for a recipe among food blogs and you'll often be delighted by the hidden jewels you uncover.

Food Blog Search is a custom built search engine specifically for searching recipes in food blogs. It is intended to be a useful tool for food bloggers and for scratch cooks looking for recipes and inspiration. Food Blog Search uses Google technology, through the Google Custom Search Engine program.

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