"The Garlic Talk" - March 27th 7PM - Dunedin Florida Public Library

Join us for Garlic 101 and Evening with The Stinking Rose

Learn more about garlic - hardneck, softneck, grocery store vs gourmet. Garlic book author Trina Clickner will share many of the mystical, magical facets of allium sativum, aka garlic. Enjoy a garlic talk, slides of the garlic adventure, and a garlic cult movie. Bring mints. ;o)

When: Tuesday, March 27, 2012, 7:00 PM
Where: Dunedin Public Library, 223 Douglas Avenue, Dunedin, FL, United States 34698

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Bone up before you come!

Garlic is as Good as Ten Mothers: YouTube Clip

Garlic Man: Bob Anderson of Gourmet Garlic Gardens: YouTube segment from Texas Country Reporter

My Amazon Author Page

An amazing Amazon discovery today - Amazon provides resources to help authors promote their work so here is my new Amazon author page!


It features my upcoming "Garlic Talk" at the Dunedin Florida Public Library on March 27th at 7PM!

The "Garlic Talk" is an informative evening that is sure to fill the senses. We'll smell garlic, taste garlic, see parts of a 1980's garlic movie entitled "Garlic is as Good as Ten Mothers", zip through a slide set of my amazing summer of 2011 garlic adventure, and you'll also get to sit through me performing "The Garlic Waltz" on my fiddle along with Rutthy Taubb!

Order the book ahead of time on Amazon to learn more about the song - everything you need to know about garlic is in the lyrics in one mighty fine tune. Bring your book with you and I'll sign it, of course, but be sure to bone up on the words to the "The Garlic Waltz" so you can help me out!


iPhone Hummus App - A garlicky gift I made just for you!

In celebration of my book, A Miscellany of Garlic, here's an iPhone-only garlickly giveaway app just for you.

If you don't have an iphone, this link will take you nowhere except back to the foodhistorian.com home page.

If you are are an iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch, going here: http://www.foodhistorian.com/giveaways/index.html will let you preview and download the app!

Free Diabetic Holiday Recipe Book! Click thru it!

Here's an offer for a free diabetic cookbook geared towards the holidays. HO HO HO - great idea!


It's a holiday gift to you from Diabetic Connect and this year they've added even more festive favorites!

- More than 60 delicious, low-carb recipes
- Ideal for Christmas, New Year's, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, and all of your holiday entertaining
- Mouth-watering meals, appetizers, snacks, breads, treats, and more


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